
Type Of Treatment

For individuals addicted to prescription drugs, treatments tend to be similar to those who are addicted to drugs affecting the same brain systems. Medication like methadone and buprenorphine can be used to treat addiction to prescription opiates, and behavioral therapies can be used to treat addiction to prescription stimulants, benzodiazepines, and other drugs.



Addiction is a Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substance. The condition of being habitually or compulsively occupied with or involved in something.

Simply, addiction is a physical or mental dependence on a behavior or substance that a person feels powerless to stop.



Substance abuse, also known as drug abuse, is a patterned use of a substance in which the user using the objects against the rules and policies of the matter and become powerless to it. Therefore, mood-altering and psychoactive substances are not the only types of drugs abused. Using illicit drugs/narcotics, stimulants, depressants (sedatives), hallucinogens, cannabis, even glues and paints, are also considered to be classified as drug/substance abuse.

Addicts are commonly depends on alcohol, opium, cannabis, heroine, brown sugar, cocaine, cough syrup and various type of pharmaceutical drugs.



Addiction have several different ways to revel itself without particular substance. This type of addiction is a condition that results when a person engages in an activity like gambling, sex, internet, shopping e.t.c. It laid people to insist that psychological dependency.

That may causes psychological and behavioral disorder and produces the same result just alike substance abusers.



Depending on the actual compound, drug abuse including alcohol lead to health problems, social problems, morbidity, injuries, unprotected sex, violence, deaths, motor vehicle accidents, homicides, suicides, physical dependence or psychological addiction.

Long-term abuse of alcohol and other drugs causing physiological distortion of brain chemistry as well as the social isolation.

Alcohol or Drug abuse is also associated with increased risks of committing criminal offences including child abuse, domestic violence, rapes, burglaries and assaults.

Drug abuse makes central nervous system (CNS) effects, which produce changes in mood, levels of awareness or perceptions and sensations.


Drug rehabilitation

Drug rehabilitation is the processes of medical or psychotherapeutic treatment for dependency on psychoactive substances such as alcohol, prescription drugs, and street drugs such as cocaine, heroin or amphetamines. The general intent is to enable the patient to confront substance dependence, if present, and cease substance abuse to avoid the psychological, legal, financial, social, and physical consequences that can be caused, especially by extreme abuse. Treatment includes medication for depression or other disorders, counseling by experts and sharing of experience with other addicts.



Counselors help individuals identifying behaviors and problems related to their addiction In Our Rehave. It can be done on an individual basis, but it's more common to find it in a group setting and can include crisis counseling, weekly and daily counseling, and drop-in counseling supports. They are trained to develop recovery programs that help to reestablish healthy behaviors and provide coping strategies whenever a situation of risk happens. Counseling is also related to "Intervention"; a process in which the addict's family requests help from a professional to get this person into drug treatment.



Yoga & Meditation is the important part of a Rehabilitation Treatment Programme. Yoga and Meditation are one of the most powerful tools to help the person to recover from Alcohol and Drug Addiction. It has preventive, curative and also promotive qualities when we talk about mental health and especially addiction to alcohol and drugs. The Asanas while help the person gradually recover from the physical health problems and improve physical health wellbeing the meditation and breathing exercises help person develop insight into his problem and generate peace in mind.

RanaghatAgrani Foundation has developed a perfect yoga and meditation module which is conducted by trained professional so that therapeutic aspect of Yoga and meditation as valued. The residents to get to experience ASANAAS under the supervision of trained professional It also helps the person manage his emotions and thoughts appropriately. DHYANA( Meditation) : there are special meditation practices followed especially keeping in mind persons with alcohol and drug problem.


At our Holistic drug addiction treatment center, we have a unique detoxification process. All our doctors have a long experience in detoxification of addicts who are addicted to various substances. This is also known as the Acute withdrawal phase Detoxification, will be very gentle and thorough.  All medicines which are administered during detoxification are tapered off. The duration is normally around a week to 10 days depending on the constitution of the body, since it differs from person to person. Which when the client is stable and comfortable, he will enter the holistic part of the detoxification. This will include herbs, vitamins, steam baths, whirlpool massage and acupuncture. This is not meant to be fancy but to truly cleanse the body of all drugs. This is done to create clarity of mind, body, and spirit.